Check out safety and sustainability evaluation of BreadCell materials.
Safety and sustainability
Within the European Green Deal, the Chemicals Sustainability Strategy (CSS) identified a series of interventions to reduce the impacts on human health and the environment associated with chemicals, materials, products and services placed on the market or placed on the market in the European Union. The EU CSS action plan foresees the development of a framework to define safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) criteria for chemicals and materials that should contribute to achieving the aforementioned ambitions, beyond current regulatory compliance. The framework expresses a future vision to develop safe and sustainable chemicals and materials.
The BreadCell process is guided by safety and sustainability-by-design principles to ensure the production of sustainable and intrinsically safe products. For the BreadCell SSbD assessment, strong management is required for the implementation of systems and processes to assess and control the risks of environmental impacts and health and safety hazards. Sustainability dimensions will be also considered. In addition, a safety testing strategy for intermediate and final BreadCell foams is envisaged and is being discussed with scientific and technological research partners. For a successful SSbD implementation, responsible and contributing partners are at place in applying the design, communicating and providing feedback that drives continuous improvement and learning of SSbD implementation in new technologies and innovations. Our process is guided by safe-by-design principles to ensure the production of sustainable and inherently safe products.